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OurDesk Wishes You A Happy Independence Day

OurDesk, coworking, coworking space, networking, community, indian independence day, independence day, 15th august
OurDesk hoists the tri-color and salutes India and it's people.

On this 77th occasion of Independence Day of India, we pay a tribute to every martyr, mass casualty, millions of people displaced and the soil for enduring countless reforms, ruthless bloodsheds and finally embracing freedom.

Lines drawn by the then British Raj on a piece of mapped paper divided India from Pakistan and vice versa. This partition, however, was far from being as civil as the previous statement.

On the midnight of 14th August when the clock struck twelve, thousands of families were separated. People of various religions living harmoniously together were forced to make unimaginable the choice  of leaving their whole life behind and beginning fresh in the newly established country- either India or Pakistan.

A night of terrifying horror when innumerable martyrs, families, friends, acquaintances and neighbours were wrongly displaced from one country to another. Such a dreadful night was however followed by a new morning full of hope and light for one and all. 

The brightest rays of sunlight covered both the countries covered in equal emotions of  happiness and sorrow, these rays promised for a better tomorrow. 

Today, 28,124 days of the past 77 years of Independence have passed. All with the hope and sunrays of experiencing a better tomorrow. As a nation we have come a long way, achieving significant goals and aspirations. We owe it all to the patient soil, Bharat Mata, without whom the nation would be just a concept. 

Fun fact, Did you know?

Lord Mountbatten, the viceroy during the partition chose the second anniversary of Japan’s surrender in WW2, 15th August, as the date of transfer between the two nations.

This independence from the British Raj cost us losing an integral part of then India. But on the bright side, we have been emancipated in every way, shape and form from the brutal hundred years of British rule. 

Remembering, reflecting and commemorating this we rejoice and move forward to greater heights as individuals who consist of India. 

Don’t forget to unfurl the national flag today, Happy Independence Day!

About OurDesk

OurDesk - A brand new 52-seater coworking space/reading room is now OPEN FOR BUSINESS! 

OurDesk is more than just a coworking space; we are an initiative of Mataji Rampyari Bai Trust, a registered not-for-profit organisation with a rich history of assisting members of the community for over 50+ years. 

By choosing OurDesk, you not only gain access to a dynamic workspace but also contribute to the meaningful initiatives and support provided by the trust. Together, let's positively impact the business world while uplifting our community. 

Join us on this journey of empowerment and transformation. To inquire:

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