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OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Saahil

OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Saahil
OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Saahil

Meet Saahil Karnani, an integral part of El Sol Strategic Consultants, where he holds the role of Associate Social Media Consultant. With a penchant for creativity and a keen eye for detail, Saahil thrives in the vibrant atmosphere of his favorite OurDesk workspace, aptly capturing the essence of his role. For Saahil, OurDesk embodies a sense of community, fostering collaboration and innovation. Beyond his professional aspirations, he dreams of traversing the globe, capturing life's moments through his lens. With a motto centered on living in the moment, Saahil's experience with OurDesk can be summed up as an intriguing journey.

Name: Saahil Karnani

Role: Associate Social media consultant

Your Favourite OurDesk work Location(s): My Desk

Describe OurDesk in one word: Community

If money was not a concern what would you do for a living?

Travel the world and capture lives moments on my camera

A motto you live by: Live in the moment

As a closing thought, how would you describe your experience with OurDesk?

It's been interesting.

To reach Saahil on LinkedIn click here -> Connect with Saahil

Member Since: 13 June 2023

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