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OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Ruben Lobo

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Ruben
OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Ruben

Meet Ruben Lobo, the Manager of Key Accounts at IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. His favorite OurDesk spot is 'My Desk,' and he sums up OurDesk in one word: 'Convenient.' Unlike switching roles, Ruben is content in his position. If money were no obstacle, he'd enjoy 'Clubbing in IBIZA.' Guided by the motto 'Tomorrow is Uncertain, Live Today,' Ruben values the present. His experience with OurDesk? 'Very Good,' he concludes.

Name: Ruben Lobo

Role: Manager - key accounts

Your Favourite OurDesk work Location(s): My Desk

Describe OurDesk in one word: Convinient

If money was not a concern what would you do for a living?

Clubbing in IBIZA

A motto you live by: Tomorrow is Uncertain, Live today

As a closing thought, how would you describe your experience with OurDesk?

Very Good

To reach Ruben on LinkedIn click here -> Connect with Ruben

Member Since: 3 July 2023

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