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OurDesk Member Spotlight: Payal Hemdev

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

OurDesk Member Spotlight: Payal Hemdev
OurDesk Member Spotlight: Payal Hemdev

Introducing Payal Hemdev, the Business Development Manager at IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. With a favorite OurDesk location at "My Desk," Payal embodies the spirit of connectivity that defines OurDesk in a single word: Network. Curious and committed, Payal envisions a world where children revel in play and joy if money were no object. Embracing her work with the motto of none, Payal succinctly captures her OurDesk experience as simply "Great!!" Join us in celebrating Payal's dynamic presence and her thriving journey within the OurDesk community.

Name: Payal Hemdev

Role: Business Development Manager

Your Favourite OurDesk work Location(s): My Desk

Describe OurDesk in one word: Network

If money was not a concern what would you do for a living?

A place for kids to enjoy/ play/ relax

As a closing thought, how would you describe your experience with OurDesk? Great!!

To reach Payal on LinkedIn click here -> Connect with Payal

Member Since: 3 July 2023

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