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OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Paridhi

Updated: Aug 19, 2023

Introducing Paridhi Bhagat, an accomplished Associate Media Consultant at El Sol Strategic Consultants. Known for her insightful strategies, Paridhi thrives in the realm of media. Among the various spots at OurDesk, the pantry holds a special place in her heart. Comfortable encapsulates her impression of OurDesk. With unlimited resources, Paridhi dreams of exploring the world. "Live and let live" reflects her guiding philosophy, while her productive days at OurDesk speak volumes about her experience.

Name: Paridhi Bhagat

Role: Associate media consultant

Your Favourite OurDesk work Location(s): Pantry

Describe OurDesk in one word: Comfortable

If money was not a concern what would you do for a living?

Traveling the world!

A motto you live by: Live and let live

As a closing thought, how would you describe your experience with OurDesk?

Days are quite productive.

To reach Paridhi on LinkedIn click here -> Connect with Paridhi

Member Since: 13 June 2023

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