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OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Gayatri

Updated: Aug 10, 2023

OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Gayatri
OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Gayatri

Introducing Gayatri Thakkar, a Business Development Associate at IndusGuru Network Partners LLP. Her preferred OurDesk work location? 'My Desk,' where she finds a 'Professional' environment. If she could switch roles, she'd choose Nidhi for a day. Money aside, Gayatri envisions life on a Welsh farm. Guided by the motto 'Radiate Inner Beauty,' she values inner qualities. Gayatri's experience at OurDesk? 'Great,' she says—it's an immaculate, professional space with a fantastic environment.

Name: Gayatri Thakkar

Role: Business Development Associate

Your Favourite OurDesk work Location(s): My Desk

Describe OurDesk in one word: Professional

If money was not a concern what would you do for a living?

Live on a farm in Wales

A motto you live by: Radiate inner beauty

As a closing thought, how would you describe your experience with OurDesk?

Great experience! it is an immaculate and professional place, with a Fantastic environment

To reach Gayatri on LinkedIn click here -> Connect with Gayatri

Member Since: 3 July 2023

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