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OurDesk Member Spotlight: Meet Akanksha

Meet Akanksha Maurya, a Senior Media Consultant at El Sol Strategic Consultants. Her favorite spot at OurDesk is the pantry, where she finds inspiration in the daily grind. Akanksha sums up her OurDesk experience in one word: "Amazing." If she could switch roles for a day, she'd step into Elisha Saigal's shoes to experience leadership firsthand. Outside of work, Akanksha dreams of a life filled with travel. Her guiding motto? "Wherever you go, there you are."

Name: Akanksha Maurya

Role: Senior media consultant

Your Favourite OurDesk work Location(s): Pantry

Describe OurDesk in one word: Amazing

If you could switch roles with any other team member for a day, who would it be and why?

Elisha Saigal, To experience leadership

If money was not a concern what would you do for a living?


A motto you live by: Wherever you go & there you are

As a closing thought, how would you describe your experience with OurDesk?


Member Since: 13 June 2023

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