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Building Authentic Relationships at Your Coworking Space

Previously on HelloOurDesk, we spoke about 5 ways for one to take maximum benefit of a coworking space. Of which, two major points were titled “Opportunity for Networking” and “Sense of Community ''. Today’s topic will help us gain a deep insight into these two. Although connections are formed naturally here’s us being your guide to maintaining those relations from a coworking/corporate perspective.

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Example of acquaintances traveling together

Maintaining relations both platonic and romantic enough to keep a person busy, add in business and work-related connections and you’ve got yourself the whole of adulthood. As Monica in F.R.I.E.N.D.S once said “Welcome to adulthood, it sucks. You're gonna love it.” Starting off, we must be able to segregate between the terms friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. Upon entering a work or coworking environment each member there is our acquaintance as in, you know them only on the surface level. They’re the people you usually make small talk with, if and when you pass by them, or just a quick text message asking how they’re doing. It’s not necessary for you to be working with them. They could be people who travel on the same public transport as you, people you meet at an outing or at a party. Purely superficial but that doesn't mean it makes the connection not genuine. It’s a lot like watching things in a museum from afar.

colleagues, coworking, work relationships, khar, OurDesk, community, coworking space
Colleagues working at a coworking space like OurDesk in Khar, Mumbai

Colleagues on the other hand are strictly your work-related people. Chances are you may know them a tad bit better than acquaintances since you spend nearly 48 hours on average working together. This tad bit better can bloom into a fully grown friendship, the kind where you exchange memes, music, and thoughts. However, it may not always be the case, some people like to keep to themselves. It's not you, it's them. Kidding. That being said, there’s a sort of professional barrier that continues to exist irrelevant of how close you are with your colleagues. There are certain things we gatekeep, lores that are meant just for our friends. You might not meet your friends often because of work, life, and everything in between and that's the major reason why your work folks see you having the toughest days along with the best days.

coworking, coworking space, friends, community, camping, OurDesk, khar, laughs, jokes, music
A group of life long friends camping in the woods

Coming back to friends, they’re the ones whom, you’ve developed a sense of affection, admiration and respect (not so much hehe) for. They are the family you choose for yourself. You crack the most ghoulish jokes on each other, have the most bitter of fights at times, and protect each other from all danger but above all you love each other to no extent. This love is conveyed via small acts of making you laugh on a bad day, always having a shoulder to cry on but most of all getting you out of the worst of situations.

Building authentic relationships at a coworking space

Here are a few things that guide an individual to lead their own life but also a part of a coworking community, thus building authentic relationships at a coworking space.

1. Converse with everyone

Go ahead and introduce yourself to people. Don’t be too conscious about initiating small talk for all we know the opposite is conscious too. Take a deep breath, you’ve got this! Don’t try to impress others just to be a part of the team. Be true to yourself and you’ll find the right people for you because fitting in backfires sooner or later. However, there’s no harm in shooting a soft smile every now and then.

2. Know your boundaries

Being friendly is without a doubt always recommended because at the end of the day the bad blood doesn’t stand a chance. Although it is important to set your boundaries. One must be polite but also see to it that they’re not being taken advantage of. Just because you’ve given valuable inputs in the past shouldn't mean that you’re open to work on a task assigned to someone else.

3. Always help no matter what

Being of help is never off the table. But keep in mind to finish up your work that’s lined up before taking up other’s work. We might sometimes tend to help people in order for them to like us resulting in being incompetent in our own work. You can help without completing your tasks too except your boss wouldn't accept any explanation for why you haven't done your part of work.

4. Be kind

Kindness is rare, yes, especially in a corporate or work world. Everyone’s climbing up the ladder to success, doing whatever it takes to get there. Even if it means ruining work relations and throwing people under the bus for their own benefit. But if you act like they do, what’s the difference here? What’s business is business but what goes around also comes back around. For being may not land you on top of the ladder but it will definitely lead you to a better and peaceful life.

5. Pay attention to the energy people give you

Observe the way people behave, not everyone is out to get you but not everyone is good for you either. Once you begin noticing certain behavioral traits of people, you’ll know whether or not you should be close to them. Be mindful of the energy you receive from people for energy is not easy to fake. Feel out the energy, if it’s good there’s no harm but if it’s not it’s cool too. Be nice to them either way but just a little conscious. Just because some people aren't nice to you doesn't mean you do them the same.

About OurDesk

OurDesk - A brand new 52-seater coworking space/reading room is now OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Located in Khar West, OurDesk is just a short walk from Khar railway station (300m) & near SV Road (75m). High-speed internet, ergonomic furniture & abundant natural light are on the house! We also have an on-site pantry & separate toilets for men/ women on the same floor. Flexible membership plans are offered to solopreneurs, freelancers, entrepreneurs, management consultants, chartered accountants, marketing agencies, small businesses, startups, and professionals seeking shared office space or a flexible workspace for remote work.

OurDesk is more than just a coworking space; we are an initiative of Mataji Rampyari Bai Trust, a registered not-for-profit organization with a rich history of assisting members of the community for over 50+ years. Our commitment to fostering collaboration, innovation, and growth in the business community is driven by our longstanding mission to empower professionals like you. By choosing OurDesk, you not only gain access to a dynamic workspace but also contribute to the meaningful initiatives and support provided by the trust. Together, let's positively impact the business world while uplifting our community. Join us on this journey of empowerment and transformation.

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Explore our modern office space in Khar West, Mumbai, conveniently situated near the Khar Train Station, offering location advantages for professionals seeking work-life balance in a community-driven space. Take advantage of our meeting rooms, hot desk options, dedicated desk setups, virtual office services, and business support offerings. Join us at OurDesk for networking events in a professional environment, and experience an affordable workspace designed to boost productivity and collaboration.

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